Saturday, 5 September 2015

I Saw God Today

Going to rip off my bro Elder Massey 2.0 and do what he usually does when he writes home, which is use song titles and compares them to the experiences that he had that week.

Sometimes things get rough for us and we have trouble on seeing and recognizing the good things in life. We get so frustrated with our present situation that we begin to forget to try to make the most out of what little we have and we fail to notice the subtle things that help us to find a little joy in our lives. That's what the song "I Saw God Today" by George Strait talks about. In the song, there's a man that has just been through what can be easily described as a very intense moment in his life, and I would reckon it was overwhelming too. But as he stops to settle down a little bit, he mentions, that he "saw a flower growing in the middle of the sidewalk pushing up through the concrete like it was planted right there for me to see." On any normal day, he wouldn't have noticed it, but because of what he went through he had the impression it was not just happenstance that he saw that flower there and he remarks, "I've been to church, I've read the book, I know He's there but I don't look near as often as I should. His fingerprints are everywhere, I just look down and stop and stare, open my eyes and then I swear, I saw God today."

Definitely this week I can sympathize with the man in this song. I've had the knowledge of the Gospel and what not, but often I don't stop to see the subtle things in my life that God has done to help me out. This week was especially tough for us as we're heading into that point of missionary work where we are running out of people to teach and we are failing to find people to take their place and to continue our work. We even had a day where it was just fall-through after fall-through. It was really tough and I just had a lot of stress on my mind. Then one morning we were visiting this one recent convert named Hellen. It was shaping up to be another tough day. Hellen had gone to prepare something for us to eat and Elder Chola had gone outside to take a call. I was sitting in Hellen's living room trying to read my scriptures as I was thinking to myself how we were going to manage to get by this week. All of a sudden I heard laughter and squealing outside. I noticed that Elder Chola was playing with Hellen's kids and family members outside. They were playing a group version of monkey in the middle. At first I ignored it, but I felt prompted to go outside and play with them. Even then, I was still reluctant and I dragged my feet outside. Once I joined and began playing catch with them though I was having the time of my life. It was probably one of the happiest moments on my mission. I don't mean to speak ill of any of my past experiences on mission, but by far and hands down this was one of the few moments of my mission where it was just pure unadulterated joy, even if everything else around me wasn't necessarily going the way I'd want it to be. I realized shortly after that experience it was maybe God reaching out to me to help me feel a little better that day. I saw the fingerprints that day and opened my eyes for once and I was able to see the hand of God in my life for once.

Last Monday we visited President & Sister Mtale and had Family Home Evening with them. They invited a nonmember father to join us, and we had a good time. Sister Mtale shared a brief message, and we played some fun games. I learned a fun puzzle game called Cups. I'll have to teach you that one when I get home, because I love messing with people's minds!

We had service at Sister Khama's as always. We invited a couple other companionships to join us as there was a lot of work that day. For the most part, it was another normal day of service, but there was twist.

Elder Ouma loves messing with these things that come from a tree that I don't even know what it's called. The 'fruit' of that tree is yellow, shaped like a pea pod and is VERY fuzzy! It's very dangerous though as the fuzz on it can cause severe irritation and itching if it makes contact with any exposed skin. Worse, if you scratch there, it spreads to the part of the body that you made contact with the itching and so forth. I don't know why the fetch he does it, but Elder Ouma loves plucking these itchy itchy scratchy things from the tree and handling them with something to protect his hand. The way I see it, it as if he was toying around with a freaking grenade in his hand and that he was going to screw us all with it!

So we had finished this service, and we were all lining up to a bucket of clean water to wash our hands and arms. Elder Ouma was in front of me, and all of a sudden he turns around and I feel something brush my right index finger. Elder Ouma hadn't realized I was there, and in his (protected) hand was a itchy itchy scratchy that had just made contact with my own unprotected hand!  

An appropriate representation of my reaction to said itchy itchy scratchy touching me:

Fortunately I was able to be smart and not do anything that would get the irritation all over myself. After some herbal application and some sort of therapeutic oil that Elder Slade applied on it, it eventually recovered!

Last of all, early this morning some of us missionaries climbed a mountain to see the sun rise. There was cross on the top of that hill so there was a relatively easy trail that led us there. We had an absolutely OUTSTANDING view of all of Blanytre and the surrounding region, and despite some hiccups, we made it right on time for the sunrise! Elder Ssengooba had brought his Canon DSLR (A Rebel T3i) and he let me take some pictures with it! It was great to be able to get my hands on a really good camera! I miss my T4i back home. Thankfully, I still remember how to use such a camera, and I took some FANTASTIC pictures!

I almost forgot! I also got my hair cut today. I'll simply say that it's different but mission appropriate! You'll be surprised what I had done! Seeing as my family members are getting some pretty new haircuts that they've never had before, I'm getting in on the action too! I'll send a picture of mine next week. Just wanted to give Elder Doig a shoutout for the sick job that he did!

Take care everybody!

Elder Massey

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