Thursday, 28 May 2015

Reaching our Goals

Last week was a good week. We worked quite a bit and we've found some success here and there.

Obviously of note is Prisca. We continue to push to have her baptized this coming Sunday. We would have had her interviewed for baptism yesterday, but she wasn't available on that day so we set for this Wednesday. It was fortunate that we did though as we haven't yet taught all the things she needs to know prior to her interview. We taught her three times all of last week making sure she knows of the commandments she will need to be keeping. Prisca has been one of those investigators that you know are serious about their commitments. To my memory for all of these past few lessons she has kept the assignments that we given her. That is usually a good indicator for one's conversion.

This week we also did some tracting and we had some better results. We have a couple of return appointments set up, so our fingers are crossed. One of the contacts that we made was named Francis, and we were able to spend several minutes just standing at the gate with him teaching a condensed version about the Restoration. I even made mention about Joseph Smith which was really good as one of my weaknesses is that I'm not bold enough with teaching all of our doctrine at the start of a lesson, such as Joseph Smith and the first vision. I usually want to ease people into things so that there's some proper understanding on the investigator's end, but I've realized that when you go out there and really teach what makes our faith so unique, you don't beat around the bush anymore. The people who you talk to really know what you believe and what you escape, not some vague and blurry idea of what it really is.

This Saturday we finally were able to teach Richard. Richard is an investigator of ours, but he has been skittish so to speak about the appointments. Things always seem to happen that keep us from meeting with him. The Fisks (one of the senior couples here) are good friends with him though, and managed to set an appointment with him on Saturday, to which they had us come along. Our initial plan was to teach simply on the Book of Mormon, but when we turned the time over to the Fisks for their turn on teaching him, both of them really expounded much on the Restoration - and I will say, in an eloquent way too - that we eventually became obligated to teach them the whole Restoration. It was a really large contrast to see our teaching style compared to the Fisks, and I think that comes with age as well as years of experience and membership in the church. When me and my companion taught, it was really brief and straight to the point but the Fisks were ones who could really elaborate in detail effectively and weave a bigger and broader picture of what the Restoration was and what it really means, not just in generally but especially to themselves on a much more personal level. It was quite a task to adjust to their style of teaching, but all in all we taught a really good lesson.

Hoping that we will baptize Prisca this Sunday. It would be a great way to finish the month. If all goes well for our Zone, we as a zone may be baptizing 28 (!) people in a single month. That would blow away all of the other Zones' baptisms for this month.

Love you all always,

Elder Massey

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